JSS Customer Satisfaction Survey 2025
The Annual JSS Customer Satisfaction Survey is now open. JSS are interested in your feedback on the service you have received from us over the last 12 months.
The survey can be accessed from this link: JSS Customer Satisfaction Survey 2025 - external link and will be available until 2 June 2025.
Previous survey results can be found on our Engagement page.
Joint Superannuation Services (JSS) are responsible for the administration of the Research Councils' Pension Scheme (RCPS).
The RCPS is a 'by-analogy' scheme to the Principal Civil Service Pension Scheme (PCSPS) and follows the scheme rules of the PCSPS - external link.
Both schemes are unfunded Defined Benefit schemes, they are not investment based.
JSS Events
Pension Webinars
We will add more webinar dates once they have been arranged.
The Engagement page contains previous webinar slides and recordings.
JSS News
2025 Pension Increase
For the year beginning 7 April 2025 there will be an increase based on CPI as at September 2024 of up to 1.7%.
Details can be found on the news page.
Added Pension Reminder 2025
Members in Classic, Classic Plus, Premium and Nuvos have the option to purchase added pension.
More details can be found on the news page.
RCPS Employee Contribution Rates for 2024-25
Changes to Employee Contribution Rates for 2024-25 have been approved by the RCPS Management Board.
Full details can be found on the news page.
JSS Notices
Pensions Dashboard
The Government are implementing a Pensions Dashboard, this is a way for people to see all of their pension information together in one online secure place. The Pension Dashboard Programme (PDP) has been set up to design and implement the digital architecture, standards, rules and controls.
More information about the PDP is on the Pensions Dashboard - external link website.
The Pension Schemes Act 2021 and The Pensions Dashboard Regulations 2022 set out the requirements for pension providers to connect to the Dashboard ecosystem.
Like other schemes and providers JSS have a statutory duty to participate in the PDP and are working to a connection date of 31 October 2025. We are working with our Integrated Service Provider (ISP), Heywood Ltd to prepare and then implement connection of our pension data to the Dashboard.
We will be sharing personal and pension information with our ISP; more information about this and details of other organisations we share information with can be found in our Privacy Notice.
The PDP will announce a dashboards available date in the future, this will be the point at which people can find their pensions through the dashboard system.
In the meantime please continue to keep us updated with name, address, email and phone number changes.
Midlife MOT
A newly launched digital Midlife MOT, brings together trusted services, tools and charity resources from the NHS, Money Helper, Mind, Citizens Advice and the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), to help more people plan for their future.
More information can be found on the Time to offer your members a MOT - external link page.
The Midlife MOT - external link page contains options and advice for you to consider.
Don't forget to review your death benefit nominations
You cannot leave pension savings in your will. Benefits will still be paid but it will be paid to your estate. It is therefore important to make sure that JSS have an updated copy of your Death Benefit Nominations.
You should regularly review these nominations as circumstances can change. Please also make your family aware that they need to contact JSS in the event of your death.
The Death Benefit page provides more information.
If you would like to comment on the service you have received from JSS or if there is anything you would like us to know, please complete the short JSS feedback survey - external link.
Every effort is made to ensure that this site is up to date and accurate but a condition of access to the site is that you accept that the rules of the scheme always take priority if they differ from anything within.
JSS are unable to provide you with any financial advice; you should obtain this from an independent financial adviser.
This page contains some downloadable files. Viewing these files requires specific software, which you may already have installed. If you are unable to view a particular file, please consult our guidance on viewing different file formats.