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Office hours: 8.30am - 4.30pm

Address: JSS, Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon, SN2 1UY

JSS Service Delivery

If you need to contact JSS, please use the details below to contact the relevant administrator to deal with your query.

You should contact your Pensioner Administrator if:

  • You are a pensioner in receipt of a pension from the RCPS
  • You have a preserved (deferred) pension
  • You want to transfer your preserved benefits out of the scheme
  • You are a relative of a pensioner and want to inform JSS of any changes to details or circumstances

Each administrator looks after a section of the alphabet

For Surnames:

  • A, B, C, D, E, N contact Katherine Gooding - 01793 411954
  • F, G, H, I, J, K, O, P contact Michelle Chesterman - 01793 411938
  • L, M contact Karen South - 01793 411928
  • Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z contact Karen Robertson - 01793 411947
  • Delivery Manager (Pensioners) Jane Appleton - 01793 411905

Alternatively, email using:

You should contact your Membership Administrator if:

  • You are an active member who is currently working/paying into the scheme
  • You would like to make any changes to your personal information

Each administrator looks after a section of the alphabet

For Surnames:

  • A, B, C, D, E contact Megan Porter - 01793 444370
  • F, G, H, I, J, K, O contact Veronica Guiry - 01793 411942
  • L, M, N contact Kim Vellender - 01793 411949
  • P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z contact Audra Baker - 01793 411918
  • Delivery Manager (Membership) Gill Heasman - 01793 444348

Alternatively, email using:

Head of JSS: - 07706 000559

Head of Projects and Development: - 07704 302179

Delivery Manager: - 01793 411970

Support Manager: - 01793 411948

Service Delivery Manager: - 01793 411968

Finance Manager: - 01793 444464


If you experience any problems with this website or have any queries regarding its content, please contact .

Data Protection and GDPR

For any queries regarding Data Protection or GDPR, please contact our Data Protection Officer .

We always try to provide our customers, employers and members with an excellent service. If we have exceeded your expectations or failed to deliver on our obligations or if you just want to comment on the service you have received, please let us know.

Alternatively, if you wish to make a formal complaint using the Internal Dispute Resolution process, please read the guide If you have a complaint about your pension (PDF, 198KB) - opens in new window.

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