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Welcome to our engagement page. The objective of this page is to provide you with information, the opportunity to easily ask questions, submit suggestions and for us to share details of webinars and other items that you may be interested in.

Please contact if you would like anything else adding to this page.


Engaging with our members is important to JSS.

It is important to understand your pension and think about your retirement plans in advance. We will be using this page to engage and share useful information with you and to encourage you to engage with us. Whilst we cannot provide financial advice we hope that the information provided on this page and on our website, will help to support you in planning for your retirement and managing your pension.

As always you can continue to contact us via our website, by phone, email, letter or in person for those near to or with access to Polaris House (Swindon). We also provide the ability to have a Zoom or Teams conversation, if you would like this option please contact us to arrange a suitable day and time.

JSS Pension Webinars

A common response in our yearly surveys is that you would like us to provide online webinars to help members better understand their pensions. We started these in July 2023 and they have proved to be very popular.

At the 'pension awareness' webinars we talk through how the scheme works, how the pension builds up, scheme benefits, buying Added Pension and much more.

We are also adding some shorter webinars to look at specific topics.

If you have a suggestion for a webinar topic please let us know.

Webinar dates

These webinars are hosted on Zoom, you will need a zoom account to join. If you do not have one you can set one on the Zoom sign up - external link page.

If you would like to attend a webinar please email and we will send you a link.

  • Pension Awareness Webinar. Thursday 17 October 10am to 11:30am

Please note that webinar dates may be subject to change.

Webinar recordings

Recordings of the JSS penison webinars are now available.

These video recordings contain auto generated captions. Please note that JSS do not control how these captions are generated, this means the text displayed against the spoken word might not always match what is said; please be aware of this.

Webinar Slides

The slides from the Pension Webinars are now available

JSS Survey 2024

The 2024 JSS Customer Satisfaction Survey took place during February 2024. The feedback from you was positive and gave us some useful suggestions to consider.

All scheme members naturally expect a good provision of service from us and feedback would suggest we provide this. If you have any comments about our service (positive or constructive) please use our Feedback Form - external link.

A summary of the results of the JSS surveys can be found under the Surveys section of this page

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to some of the questions we are frequently asked.

Question Answer
Is my pension lump sum liable to tax? No it is not.
Can I increase my pension through additional contributions? Yes, you can. Please refer to the Added Pension section of the Increasing Benefits page.
Will my employer match my additional contributions? No they will not. Added Pension is only paid for by the member.


Results of the yearly JSS surveys.

Quick Poll

In our Quick Poll we are interested in your opinion of the service we provide to you, there is also an opportunity to provide feedback.

Service Rating - external link.


If you have a question for JSS please email and we will get back to you.

We may publish frequently asked questions on this page.

Common Terms

A list of common terms can be found on our Glossary page.

This page contains some downloadable files. Viewing these files requires specific software, which you may already have installed. If you are unable to view a particular file, please consult our guidance on viewing different file formats.